Sunday, April 1, 2012

0 CarA AMpuH, Cepat &Mudah Membuat BACKLINK Secara Otomatis | Tips Blogspot | Membuat Backlink Blogger

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Saturday, March 31, 2012

0 Confix

Words can be simple or complex. A simple word consists solely of a base or root word, which can not be broken down into smaller units. A base carries the essential meaning of a word.
A word can also consist of a base with one or more affixes. There are three types of affix in Indonesian: prefixes, suffixes and circumfixes or confixes:
  1. a prefix is attached before the base,
  2. a suffix comes after the base and
  3. a circumfix or confix contains two parts, one occurring before the base and one after.
However, not all base words can be combined with affixes, nor are they always consistent in their subsequent usage and meaning.
Indonesian circumfixes or confixes are ke- … -an, per- … -an, pe- … -an, ber- … -an, ber- … -kan, me- … -kan, me- … -i, di- … -kan, di- … -i.

0 Suffix

Words can be simple or complex. A simple word consists solely of a base or root word, which can not be broken down into smaller units. A base carries the essential meaning of a word.
A word can also consist of a base with one or more affixes. There are three types of affix in Indonesian: prefixes, suffixes and circumfixes or confixes:
  1. a prefix is attached before the base,
  2. a suffix comes after the base and
  3. a circumfix or confix contains two parts, one occurring before the base and one after.
However, not all base words can be combined with affixes, nor are they always consistent in their subsequent usage and meaning.
Indonesian suffixes are -kan, -i, -an and -nya. They can form a noun; can soft a command or add politeness; can direct the action; and derives causatives or adjectives.

0 Prefix

Words can be simple or complex. A simple word consists solely of a base or root word, which can not be broken down into smaller units. A base carries the essential meaning of a word.
Primary verbs are either intransitive or transitive. Some intransitive verbs are also simple. They have no affix. Examples:
bangun – wake up
hidup – live
gagal – fail
mandi – bath
However, a word can also consist of a base with one or more affixes. There are three types of affix in Indonesian: prefixes, suffixes and circumfixes or confixes. A prefix is attached before the base, a suffix comes after the base and a circumfix or confix contains two parts, one occurring before the base and one after.
Indonesian prefixes are me-, ber-, ter-, di-, pe-, se-, ke-.

0 Bahasa Indonesia, Pentingkah?

Bahasa Indonesia, Pentingkah?

ya pidatonya sudah hampir tidak dapat dibedakan dengan gaya orang Indonesia. Malah kalau saya perhatikan gaya pidato orang Indonesia justru semakin buruk. Dalam pidato resmi banyak sekali diselipkan kosakata bahasa Inggris atau istilah yang keinggris-inggrisan.

Saat ini, kalau kita perhatikan pemimpin-pemimpin di Malaysia berpidato, sebagian besar gaya bahasa mereka sudah hampir serupa dengan gaya bicara pemimpin-pemimpin di Indonesia. Apalagi kalau kita ambil contoh tokoh Anwar Ibrahim. Ga Fenomena lain yang juga menarik diamati adalah bahwa semakin ke timur maka bahasa Indonesia penduduk di wilayah Indonesia timur seperti Maluku, Papua justru lebih baik dibandingkan dengan penduduk Indonesia yang tinggal di wilayah barat. Bahasa Indonesia mereka secara murni diperoleh dari buku teks dan merupakan bahasa formal yang digunakan sehari hari.
Rakyat kita di daerah umumnya tidak mengerti pidato-pidato yang disampaikan oleh orang-orang Jakarta. Misalnya saja untuk mengatakan bahwa argumen yang disampaikan oleh pak menteri tidak mengandung nuansa yang aspiratif dan tidak solutif. Itu maksudnya apa? Belum tentu rakyat kita mengerti. Namun itulah yang terjadi di Indonesia bagian barat terutama yang dekat dengan Jakarta.
Apakah ini gejala ketidak perdulian bangsa kita pada bahasa Indonesia? Sebenarnya tidak juga. Seperti halnya dengan bahasa-bahasa lain di dunia, bahasa Indonesia juga sangat gencar didesak oleh bahasa Inggris. Saya banyak belajar bahwa ketika di antara kita sendiri masih diliputi banyak persoalan, tiba-tiba kita terjebak dengan keharusan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dimana banyak sekali istilah yang belum disamakan atau dipadankan. Generasi muda kita tumbuh di bawah pengaruh bahasa Inggris yang kuat. Akibatnya, dalam dunia komunikasi yang serba cepat ini, ketika mereka diharuskan berkomunikasi dalam konteks bahasa Indonesia, mereka sering tidak ada waktu untuk berpikir karena tidak memiliki perbendaharaan bahasa Indonesia yang cukup. Akhirnya keluarlah bahasa yang campur aduk. Contoh yang paling mudah adalah, banyak sekali di antara kita yang tidak bisa membedakan antara isu dan problem. Padahal something that is problematic doesn’t mean an issue.
Sebaiknya para generasi muda menyadari pentingnya menguasai bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Apalagi kalau mereka menjadi tokoh-tokoh politik, maka ketidak mampuan mereka berbahasa Indonesia akan menimbulkan kesenjangan mental dan jarak dengan rakyat Indonesia. Buat rakyat ini orang ngomong apa – di daerah mereka itu disebutnya bahasa orang jakarta – karena mereka tidak mengerti. Sebabnya berhati-hatilah.
Sebagai pimpinan BTPN (Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional) saya sering turun ke daerah-daerah di Indonesia. Sering saya harus bicara dengan penduduk lokal yang nilai pinjamannya hanya 5 juta rupiah dengan bahasa Indonesia tidak hanya yang baik dan benar tapi juga harus lebih pelan agar mereka mengerti. Tidak mungkin saya menggunakan istilah collateral ataucredit worthiness dengan mereka.
Saya kaget sekali ketika saya membantu gubernur Aceh, di Aceh Utara ternyata bahasa Indonesia saya tidak dimengerti oleh rakyat di sana. Saya harus membawa putera-putera Aceh untuk membantu saya menterjemahkan apa yang saya ingin sampaikan. Bahasa Indonesia yg kita bawa dari Jakarta ternyata sudah melangkah terlalu jauh. Jadi kalo mereka-mereka yang hidup di kota tidak menyadari adanya kesenjangan ini, maka mereka akan mengalami kesulitan berkomunikasi dengan rakyat di daerah.
Sebagai ekonom saya menjadi obyek pengamatan di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Mereka heran, mengapa Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti  dibawa-bawa ke konvensi melayu di Kuala Lumpur , atau bicara soal peradaban melayu di Riau. Akhirnya mereka menyadari karena saya mengajar mata kuliah perdagangam ekonomi, saya sangat memahami peranan bahasa indonesia sebagai lingua franca. Bahasa itu tidak statis, terus berubah saat dunia berubah. Saya kewalahan ketika saya harus masuk ke pembahasan tingkat falsafah ekonomi di S3, yaitu  Landasan Filsafat Pemikiran Ekomomi, apalagi Metode Ekonometri, karena faktor matematika yang lebih  abstrak, juga Faktor Analysis.
Contohnya, bagaimana kita menterjemahkan  ”A correlation does not necessarily to causation“?

0 The Symptoms and Causes of Mesothelioma

The Symptoms and Causes of Mesothelioma

Sothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the thin tissue that lines most of the internal organs (mesothelium). The doctor divides mesothelioma into several types based on which part of this cancer occurs.
  • Pleural malignant mesothelioma, which occurs in the tissue lining around the lungs and is the most common type.
  • Peritoneal mesothelioma, occurring in tissues that line the stomach.
  • Pericardial mesothelioma, occurring in the tissue lining around the heart.
  • Mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis, occurs in the lining around the testicles
The symptoms of Mesothelioma

Signs and the symptoms of mesothelioma varies based on where the cancer occurs.

Pleural mesothelioma, signs and symptoms include:
• Shortness of breath
• Pain when breathing
• Pain when coughing
• Pain in the lower rib
• an unusual lump in the chest under the skin layer
• Lost weight suddenly
• Dry cough

Peritoneal mesothelioma, signs and symptoms include:
• Pain in abdomen
• Swelling in the abdomen
• Changes in bowel movements, such as more frequent diarrhea or constipation
• Lump in the tissues in the abdominal area
• Lost weight suddenly

Other forms of mesothelioma
Signs and the symptoms pericardial mesothelioma and tunica vaginalis are unclear. On health , there is no complete information about this. Pericardial mesothelioma have signs and symptoms that may include difficulty breathing or chest pain. While mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis can be detected first by the enlargement of the testicles.

The Causes of Mesothelioma

In general, cancer occurs when cell DNA mutation. This mutation makes the cells continued to grow and flourish while others have normal cell cycles of life and death. Accumulation of cancer cells can form a malignant tumor.

It is unclear what causes the initial genetic mutations that lead to mesothelioma although scientists identify factors that may increase the risk. Cancer may result from a combination of several factors, such as heredity, environment, health condition and lifestyle.

Benign pleural mesothelioma
Benign tumors that form in the chest sometimes called benign mesothelioma. But the term is misleading. Benign mesothelioma is not started on the same cell where the cancer is formed. And in some cases kacil, benign mesothelioma can be very aggressive. For this reason, some doctors now prefer to call this tumor as a solitary fibrous tumor.

Solitary fibrous tumors usually do not cause signs and the symptoms. It is unclear what caused the solitary fibrous tumor, but tumors are associated with asbestos contamination pollutants. Treatment for solitary fibrous tumors usually includes surgery procedures.

0 Mesothelioma Fact

Mesothelioma Fact

Mesothelioma Fact , Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the thin tissue that lines most of the internal organs. Asbestos is the cause of about 90 percent of all mesothelioma cases. Asbestos is a mineral found in the neighborhood. Asbestos fibers are strong and resistant to heat makes it very useful to be applied to a variety of needs. People who work in environments polluted many asbestos fibers have a greater risk of exposure mesothelioma.

When asbestos split, asbestos dust is formed. If dust is inhaled or swallowed asbestos fibers will then settle in the lungs or in the stomach and can cause irritation that causes mesothelioma.

Some people who over many years exposed to asbestos pollution can not have mesothelioma, while others the opposite. This indicates that other factors may be related, namely the hereditary factors do you have a family history of cancer in some people is a condition that increases the risk.

Risk factors that may increase the risk of mesothelioma such as:
• Exposure to asbestos fiber dust pollution
• Living with someone who works in an environment with asbestos (the asbestos fibers are attached to their clothing or skin)
• Smoking
• SV40 virus is found in many primates
• X-ray radiation
• Family history with mesothelioma

Many people who experienced mesothelioma exposed to asbestos fibers while working at places such as:
• Mine
• Factory worker
• Manufacturing of electronic components
• Construction of rail
• Shipbuilding
• Construction workers
• Mechanics

Prevention :
• Beware if you work in an environment with asbestos
• Follow standard safety regulations
• Do not use objects that contain asbestos in your neighborhood 

0 Curly Hair Care Tips

Curly Hair Care Tips

Curly hair care tips. Curly hair have different types. Big curly hair, curly frizzy curls up like a sausage that is very circular. Because various types of this, curly hair has a lot of problems because every person has a curly pattern that is different.

According YouBeauty, experts do not know clearly why there are many types of hair. Curly hair care tips too different. But definitely, the shape of your hair follicle curly-haired, has a bag of curly hair and also hair protein (keratin) that exist in the base of the hair will affect your hair type. All hair types will grow twisted, whatever your hair type. Will get curly hair if its wave number is growing.

Curly hair care tips

Keep the humidity
The owners of curly hair is highly recommended to maintain the hair moisture. In order for curly hair more smooth and gentle to use a deep conditioning treatment twice a month. If your hair is dry, do not wash too often, try to only twice a week.

Be careful Drying
You must be careful to handle curly hair. Avoid using too coarse towel when drying your hair or wrap your hair with a towel to absorb the excess water wash.

"Curly hair must be dried slowly, but if your schedule is too dense for it, wipe with a soft towel and make sure your hair does not fall apart when rubbed," advises celebrity stylist Kristan Serafino. "If curly hair is touched with the rough - or worse combed - will cause your natural curly hair matted instead."

Citing Conectique, you should dry the hair with your fingers, with or without a fan. The result will make the hair become more organized and flexible.

Do not touch
When using curl enhancer products like cream, gel or mousse, follow the pattern of your hair curly, rotate from the middle to the ends of your hair, advice Serafino. "When hair is dry, then you should apply new silicone serum on the ends of your hair to soften curly pattern and make it more shiny," he added.

Once laid out, do not touch your hair again because the more you play, your hair will actually grow tangled. Thus curly hair care tips, may be useful for you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

0 Act of Valour

Dated Released : 24 February 2012
Quality : HDrip Cropped ARMS.scOrpIMDB Rating : 6.6 (7,672 users)Star : Alex Veadov, Roselyn Sanchez, Nestor SerranoGenre : Action | Adventure | ThrillerDownload Link  *join HJSplit dg file, how to read the titorial inthe menu guide

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

0 The Pill

Dated Released : 16 December 2011
Quality : BRRip 720p SiC.scorp
Info :
IMDB Rating : 4.6 (136 users)
Star : Noah Bean, Rachel Boston, Anna Chlumsky
Genre : Comedy | Drama | Romance 

Download Link 
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0 The Divide

Dated Released : 13 March 2011
Quality : BRRip 720p.x264-SPARKS.nitro
Info :
IMDB Rating : 6.9 (656 users)
Star : Lauren German, Michael Biehn, Milo Ventimiglia
Genre : Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller 

Download Link 
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Monday, March 26, 2012

1 Conan the Barbarian

Title : Conan the Barbarian 2011 BluRay 720pGenre: Action | Adventure | FantasyIMDB Rating : 5.3Date Realish : 15 September 2011 (Indonesia)Stars: Jason Momoa, Ron Perlman and Rose McGowanQuality : BluRay 720p Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 Pass : cinema-31Download Subtitle 

0 21 Jump Street 2012

Title : 21 Jump Street 2012 TS 400MBSize : 400MBInfo 
Genre: Action, ComedyIMDB Rating : 7.7DateRealish : 16 March 2012Stars: Richard Driscoll, Robin Askwith and Norman WisdomQuality : TS (Kualitas masih Jelek)Download File [JF400MB] Part-1 | Part-2 Join us HJ-SplitDownload File[MF400MB] Part-1 | Part-2Pass : cinema-31Join Dengan HJ-Split

0 Captain America The First Avenger

Title : Captain America The First Avenger 2011 BluRay 720pSize : 700 MBGenre: Action | Adventure | Sci-FiIMDB Date Realish : 9 September 2011 (Indonesia)Stars: Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving and Samuel L. JacksonQuality : Bluray 720pDownload File [JF 700] Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-4Join File dengan HJ-SplitDownload File [MF 700] Part-1 | Part-2 Part-3 | Part-4Pass : cinema-31 Join File dengan HJ-SplitDownload Subtitle Download 

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